Dallas Supervisors 11-20

The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

Much of the meeting was spent discussing an amended 28E agreement between the County and the City of Dallas Center for sewer services. The Board was okay with the agreement itself, but pointed out there were some addresses that needed to be corrected for the County facilities hooked onto the city’s sewer system, which include the Human Services Campus and Secondary Roads Department maintenance building. They tabled action on the agreement until the addresses can be updated.

At 9:30 a.m., the Board held a public hearing which was continued from a previous meeting, focusing on storm sewer easements under the Raccoon River Valley Trail between the County and Apple, Incorporated. Conservation Director Mike Wallace presented the latest draft of the easements, which included a payment of $15,000 from Apple to be used towards the connector trail project. The Board found the agreement acceptable and approved the easements as amended, which will now be submitted to Apple for their final approval.

Other items approved included: setting a public hearing for December 11th at 9:30 a.m. to award the bid for the Auditor’s Office parking lot project; a transfer of $32,594 from the general basic fund to the capital improvement program fund for the law enforcement center project; and cancelling the meeting scheduled for the week of Christmas. The Board also discussed but took no action on the service coordinator position for area 1A of the Healthcare Coalition. The meeting concluded with two closed sessions, the first to discuss purchase of real estate, and the second for pending litigation.