Adel City Council 8-14

The Adel City Council convened Tuesday night in regular session.

The first action item on the agenda related to the Chamber of Commerce trail project between Nile Kinnick Drive and the Raccoon River along Highway 6. The Council expressed their support of the project and approved an application to recertify the Raccoon River Valley Trail in the City with the Iowa Great Places, making the project eligible for grant money. They also promised to consider a $10,000 funding request when the budget committee meets next. Following that, the Council approved two ordinances. The first dealt with decreasing the speed limit on Meadow Road between Highway 169 and South 15th Street to 35 miles-per-hour, while the second involved amending the City’s flood plain regulations and map per the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources. For both ordinances, the Council waived the second and third readings to place them in effect immediately.

Later in new business, they considered bids for six different water and sewer projects, and awarded contracts for each. Gary Brons with McClure Engineering said they were happy with all the low bidders and where the prices landed. There will be more bids awarded at the next few meetings as the CIty is in the midst of $16 million worth of water projects, and $6 million in sewer. Other items approved included an amendment to the tower site lease agreement with AT&T; a bond counsel engagement agreement with Ahlers & Cooney for sewer projects; setting a public hearing for December 11th to authorize a loan and disbursement agreement for $1.2 million in sewer revenue capital loan notes; authorizing a loan agreement for $1.6 million in storm water revenue capital loan notes, as well as the redemption of outstanding storm water notes; and two change orders and five pay estimates for storm water utility improvements.

Finally, the Council approved the annual urban renewal report, authorized an interfund loan to the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Fund, and approved the TIF indebtedness certification. At the end of the meeting, Council member Dan Miller mentioned the personnel committee will be meeting before the December 11th session, so they should have an update on the open City Clerk position by then.