Perry City Council 8-6

The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.

The meeting will begin with open forum, which will include the annual report from the Greater Dallas County Development Alliance. Following that, there will be a public hearing to discuss a loan and distribution agreement for $870,000 towards the sanitary sewer plant improvement project. Following the hearing, the Council will consider a resolution to approve the disbursement agreement. Also in old business, they will consider pay requests for the crack sealing and Willis Avenue bridge replacement projects.

In new business, the Council will consider awarding a $5,000 urban renewal loan to the Alano Club for the plumbing in their building on Lucinda Street, as well as a resolution certifying the City’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) debt to the Dallas County Auditor’s Office. Following that, they will approve the five-year capital improvement program related to the Perry Municipal Airport, as required by the Federal Aviation Administration to receive state and federal aid for the project. The Council will also approve a professional service engineering agreement with Bolton and Menk for their work on the airport project.

Other items on the agenda include: acceptance of the fiscal year 2018 annual report; approving the per capita contribution to the Dallas County Local Housing Trust Fund; and the submission of an application for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant offered by the Department of Homeland Security. Finally, the Council will hold the second reading of amendments to the City’s flood plain ordinance. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.