
Whether it’s bingo or blackjack you prefer, residents are invited to go “all in” for the Guthrie Center Firefighters Association’s 20th Annual Casino Night.

Attendees can play a variety of card games for the chance at winning lots of prizes. The top raffle prizes this year are a trip for four to Las Vegas and a Liberty 23 gun safe. This is the fire department’s biggest fundraising event, raising about $20,000 each year for new equipment, training, and other departmental needs.

Firefighter Lonnie Carrick shares why they hold this unique fundraiser, “For the last 20 years we’ve had a lot of success with this casino night. It’s kind of right towards the end of the harvest season. We get a lot of people that will attend and just have an opportunity to play a Vegas-style or casino type game and really not have the worries to it, you know, ‘Am I going to do it right, or am I going to do it wrong, or am I going to upset my neighbor there next to me because I haven’t played my blackjack correctly?’ You know it’s just been a lot of fun for people who just don’t experience it that much, to come in and just have fun with the games.”

Those 21 and older can attend the event and cost is a freewill donation for how much you’re willing to gamble for prizes and a good cause. Drinks will be available for purchase with complimentary popcorn. The casino night takes place Saturday November 17th from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Guthrie County Events Center at the fairgrounds.