West Central Valley Wildcat

A survey from the West Central Valley School District is now live for residents to give their input on the district’s strategic future planning.

Residents have the opportunity to answer several open-ended questions about the district. Superintendent Lance Ridgely explains why they created the survey, “The purpose behind that is we want to start a conversation with our community. We want to let them know that we care about what they have to say for the school. We’re not trying to operate in isolation. They have a voice and the different things and the vision for this district. There will be some other questions that are on there but they will all be very open ended, they’ll all be very general.”

Those interested in taking part of the data review process can include their contact information in the survey, with the first meeting taking place later this month. You can complete the survey on the district’s website or pick up a printed copy at the district office and at the Dexter, Menlo, Redfield, and Stuart public libraries. The survey will be open through Friday.