Perry City Council 8-6

The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.

During open forum, Detective Laura Deaton of the Perry Police Department talked about their upcoming “Shop with a Cop” event, which is tentatively set for December 15th. She said their looking for donations for the program, and mentioned the department will also be hosting their annual soup supper fundraiser the day before Thanksgiving. In old business, the Council first approved a change order of $6,991 to pay for a fence along the wing walls of the Willis Avenue Bridge. They also approved a pay request of $2,127.75 to Landals Concrete for work done thus far on the Wiese Park Trail improvement project. Next the Council approved a change order, pay request, and certificate of final completion for the 2017 sanitary sewer improvements, officially wrapping up the project.

In new business, the Council approved an application from the Perry Grand 3 Theater for a $10,000 Urban Renewal Loan, to be used for replacing the servers in each theater. They also approved four resolutions authorizing the City’s purchase of surface and overhead avigation easements for the upcoming runway expansion project. Other items approved included: acceptance of the fiscal year 2018 Urban Renewal report; the installation of a three-foot fence in a sidewalk right-of-way for the downtown Wobbly Boots restaurant; the appointments of Ron Leber to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Liberty Willet to the Historic Preservation Commission; and setting November 19th as the date for a public hearing to discuss a loan and disbursement agreement for $870,000 towards the waste water treatment plant project.

Finally, the Council approved the first reading of an update to the City’s flood plain ordinance to bring it into compliance with a new map provided by the Department of Natural Resources. They will hold the second and third readings of the ordinance at their next meeting. To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at