There are a few community activities coming up with the Greene County High School Student Council.
Tonight the public is invited to the middle school gym to watch the annual Boys Volleyball Tournament at 7pm. Student Council member Lucy Dudley explains how people can get in for free for the entertainment.
“The entry fee for that is going to be warm clothing and all of those will be donated to the local food pantry, along with non-perishable food items.”
She adds that they will continue to accept those items at the high school main office for the rest of the week. Then on Friday, Student Council will host the Veterans Day program. Student Council member Kassie Lamoureux says it will start with free breakfast served to all area veterans at 7:30am at the Ram Restaurant, followed by the program at 8:20 in the auditorium. She adds, the featured speaker is local veteran Dennis Henrichs. Lamoureux talks about why they continue to invite the entire high school to be at the program.
“Well, student council loves to just get everyone involved because we do the breakfast, so that shows our appreciation, but we want everyone in the high school to show their appreciation and get involved in that too.”
She encourages any veteran that wants a free breakfast and to be included in the program to contact the high school office at 386-2188. To hear more about some of the other upcoming activities with Dudley and Lamoureux, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.