With harvest season running behind schedule across Iowa, there will be long days of farm equipment on the roadways.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams reminds motorists to not only be aware of farm equipment on the roadways during the day, but also at night. “Especially as dusty as it is, believe it or not with all the rain we’ve had. Their brake lights, tail lights, turn signals can get covered easily with dust and are harder to see. So just make sure that you’re using your high beams when (you’re) able to, to make sure that you see anything that might be ahead of you.”
Williams also recommends being patient when encountering farm implements coming up to bridges.
“If you see any farm implements coming up to a bridge, just slow down to let them get through, or make sure that you can stop if the implement is wider than the bridge allows for two vehicles.”
Williams adds that motorists need to be aware of their surroundings and use good judgement when looking to pass farm equipment on the roadways.