Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report




8:44 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on W Lane Street

9:48 am Panora Ambulance Unit 2 transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital back to Panora Specialty Care

11:05 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Panora Specialty Care

11:17 am YJB Fire Departments responded to a corn crib fire on Rose Avenue

12:13 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff responded to a two vehicle accident in the Casey’s General parking lot. No injuries

12:37 pm Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a family situation in Guthrie Center

3:27 pm Stuart Police responded to a suspicious vehicle report at Beacam Apartments

3:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a two vehicle accident on 2nd St/4th Ave in Bayard. No injuries

4:11 pm Stuart Police investigated a report of a suspicious male on NW 2nd Street

4:27 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff responded to a domestic call in the 2000 block of Hwy 25

4:45 pm Menlo and Stuart Fire responded to a fire call on River Trail/288th Street

5:02 pm Pedestrian assist by Guthrie Co Deputy in Guthrie Center

5:38 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a broken window at the Post Office in Bayard

6:04 pm Guthrie Fire responded to a fire call on 270th Street. It was a false alarm

8:17 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a domestic call on Prairie Street in Guthrie Center

8:35 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on State Street in Guthrie Center

7:05 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a female prisoner to the Guthrie Co Jail

10:20 pm Stuart Police removed debris from the roadway at 2nd/Division Street


1:22 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity on Main Street in Guthrie Center

8:00 am Guthrie Co Sheriff and Deputy gave a presentation at the Guthrie Center High School

12:20 pm Panora Fire were called back out to The Port

2:51 pm Life assistance in Guthrie Center by Guthrie Co Deputies

3:06 pm Guthrie Co Sheriff and Deputies responded to a call at the Midway Motel in Guthrie Center

5:34 pm Case follow up by Stuart Police on N Gaines

6:07 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to an a call on W Main Street

7:11 pm Case follow up by Stuart Police at S Summit Apartments

7:47 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers at the Midway Motel

8:32 pm Stuart Police and Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a domestic call on S Gaines

8:36 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted DHS in Bagley

9:48 pm Stuart Police, Guthrie Co Deputy and Adair Co Deputy were back out at an address on S Gaines

10:02 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on S Gaines

10:05 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on Yellow Avenue

7:23 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at Beacam Apartments

2:00 pm Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to an accident call on I-80 at the 94 mile marker

2:02 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Meadow Wood Drive

7:37 pm Bayard Ambulance responded to a medical call on Hwy 25 north of Bayard

9:15 pm Traffic stop by Guthrie Co Deputy on Hwy 141 in Bayard resulted in an arrest

10:07 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to the Guthrie Co Jail

10:32 pm Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to a diesel fuel spill on S Division


9:07 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on SW 6th Street

1:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner from Cass Co to the Guthrie Co Jail

3:37 pm Panora Police responded to a criminal mischief call at the high school

7:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Bagley

7:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on Hwy 4/141. No injuries

8:16 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Panora Specialty Care

8:41 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on 180th Trail


2:45 am Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a criminal mischief call in Guthrie Center

5:35 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on Talon Avenue

8:59 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to Oakdale

3:00 pm Casey Fire assisted Adair Co Ambulance with a medical call on Kelsey Avenue

3:38 pm Stuart Fire secured the land zone in Stuart for Mercy 1

5:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to the Guthrie Co Jail for a Franklin Co warrant
6:22 pm Stuart Police investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle in the McDonald’s parking lot

7:14 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a call on Chestnut Road

7:47 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call across the street from the Owl’s Nest

9:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a report of suspicious activity in Bagley

11:58 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on 160th Street. No injuries


1:41 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a noise complaint on Wallace Street

6:56 am Motorist assist by Guthrie Co Deputy

8:15 am Lift assistance by Lake Security on Hansen Hill

9:00 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on State Street in Guthrie Center

11:49 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Panora Specialty Care

2:17 pm Stuart Police responded to a call on N Sherman Street

3:34 pm Stuart Police responded to a stray dog call at Casey’s General Store

6:19 pm Stuart Police responded to a call at Hometown Foods


4:08 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Herndon Road

5:32 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Lakeside Village

1:27 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a security alarm on Industrial Road in Guthrie Center

1:56 pm YJB Fire/Rescue, Panora Ambulance and Guthrie Co Deputies and Iowa State Patrol responded to a two vehicle accident on Hwy 141/Victory. Iowa State Patrol covered the accident

3:06 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a domestic call on 3rd Street in Bayard
4:25 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to the Guthrie Co Jail

7:27 pm Stuart Police responded to a dog complaint at 7th/Main

8:34 pm Stuart Fire/Rescue, Stuart Police, Menlo Fire and Adair Co Deputy responded to a two vehicle accident on I-80 at the 90 mile marker

8:49 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Bagley

8:50 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a call on State Street