Crawford Petterson-photo courtesy of Katie Akers from 2017
Crawford Petterson-photo courtesy of Katie Akers from 2017

One Greene County High School student has reached the pinnacle of a program that’s dedicated to combating global food insecurity and ending world hunger.

Senior Crawford Petterson recently participated in the World Food Prize, Global Youth Institute program earlier this month in Des Moines. Ag Instructor Katie Akers says Crawford has been in the World Food Prize his entire high school career with research projects about the factors affecting world hunger and food insecurity, while also proposing solutions to judges at the Iowa Youth Institute events. He was selected earlier this year to compete at the Global Youth Institute, which is one of the highest honors of the program.

Akers points out that Greene County continues to be involved with the World Food Prize because of her students’ interest. It is a voluntary-based program, with no ties to class grade or extra credit. She appreciates Crawford’s willingness and determination to be a part of the program all four years of high school. It has also led him to opportunities such as networking, scholarships and personal growth for his future career field.