Deer-in-headlights_gettyimages-300x225With harvest season going full bore again, that means deer are more active and could cause more distractions on the roadways.

Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams reminds motorists to not “veer for deer” because it could cause a worse situation to happen. He says to be mindful of your surroundings and be aware that deer are more on the move now with harvest going on, so watch for deer to pop out along the sides of the road.

If you hit a deer, and it’s a non-emergency situation, Williams notes that you should call the non-emergency number of the law enforcement center in Jefferson to report the incident. He says that way there’s documentation for your insurance company. Plus, Williams points out that you can obtain a deer salvage tag from either the Sheriff’s office or through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to take the deer carcass that you hit.

The non-emergency number to the law enforcement center is 386-2136.