The final Perry Parks and Recreation Department adult sports league of the calendar year will be starting soon, but there’s still time to get involved.
The popular Co-Rec Volleyball league will begin in November, and men and women in the Perry area are invited to join together for some fun and exercise. The league features 6-on-6 games, with three men and three women on each team. Games will be held at the McCreary Community Building on Sundays at 6 p.m., starting on November 11th. The season will be a round-robin format with every team playing every other team in the league, and it will wrap up with a double-elimination tournament.
Participants must be 18 and older, though current high school students are not allowed. The cost is $90 per team, and the deadline to sign up is Monday, November 5th by 8 p.m. For more information or to sign up, stop in or call the McCreary Center at 515-465-5621.