
The Panorama School Board met Monday in regular session.

For October’s “Good News” announcements, 10 middle school students are performing in the Central College Honor Band on October 16th, and 23 students from the middle and high schools’ Technology Student Association attended a fall leadership conference at Sunstream Retreat Center in Ogden, and they are looking to plan an escape room event for the community this month.

Elementary Principal Liz Ratcliff and Secondary Principal Thad Stanley gave their reports. Ratcliff spoke on a professional development initiative that the staff are involved in, creating unit topics that incorporate literacy and social studies. Stanley presented on the FastBridge math and reading assessments the sixth-eighth students are taking, and he mentioned the first meeting of the Building Assistance Team, or BAT Team. This group includes the school’s instructional coach, guidance counselor, community liaison, and the area education agency school psychologist.

The Board later approved the modified allowable growth request of $369,957.15 for the FY18 special education deficit, and set November 12th public hearing date on continuing the district’s instructional support levy for another five years. The Board also approved the 2017-18 certified annual report.