GCYAA Vice-President Cole Jaskey (left) and President Jamie Daubendiek (right)
GCYAA Vice-President Cole Jaskey (left) and President Jamie Daubendiek (right)

On Friday, Greene County Youth Athletic Association (GCYAA) hosted the weekly Java and Juice program at their facility, The Edge Sports Academy in Jefferson.

GCYAA President Jamie Daubendiek said they purchased the former Jefferson Fieldhouse one and a half years ago with funding from a Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation grant. Since then, they have hosted several city and school sports programs including football, soccer, track and field, baseball, softball and wrestling. Daubendiek talked about their partnership with the Greene County School District and specifically about the wrestling program utilizing their facility.

Renovated wrestling room
Renovated wrestling room

GCYAA Vice-President Cole Jaskey said they are looking for volunteers, specifically individuals to help with their Rambler Wrestling program. Interested individuals can email them at gcyaa1@gmail.com.