There are a bunch of dog-related classes coming up next week at the Greene County Community Center in Jefferson.
A dog obedience class will be held on Tuesdays from October 2nd through November 16th from 6:30 to 7:30pm. There will be no dogs for the initial class on October 2nd and the cost for the program is $60 which includes the training collar. An independent study course is for graduates of the beginning training class. It will allow dog owners the opportunity to work with their canines around other dogs during the basic obedience class. Cost for the independent study is $3 per class.
Also, a Tricks and Treats program will be offered also on Tuesdays from October 2nd through November 16th from 7:30 to 8pm. It is for those dogs that are either in the obedience class or who have already attended a class. The program will teach dogs tricks or tasks that help people in need of a service or a canine assistant. Cost for the class is $30.
There will be no classes for any of the programs on October 9th and Linn Price will lead each class. Call 386-3412 or stop by the community center to sign up.