As hunters around the state are beginning to prepare for the fall, it’s important to keep safety in mind. That includes clothing. Even though it is not required for all hunting seasons, a blaze orange article is recommended.
While there are many options, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Guthrie County Enforcement Officer Jeremy King says a blaze orange hat is the best choice across all seasons. “It’s a pretty important part. It protects and also typically coming over a hill or walking through grass, it’s the part that’s most visible, your head. If you have a blaze orange vest on, I’ve seen it before where they’re hard to see somebody wearing one even in a switchgrass field chasing pheasants.”
King also says wearing orange should not impede a good result in the field. “Even rabbits and squirrels see on a gray scale, they don’t see color. So having a blaze orange hat on, you really aren’t at a disadvantage as far as chasing your game.”
Blaze orange clothing is required for deer and pheasant seasons. To hear more safety tips, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.