The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.
The first item on the agenda is discussion and possible action regarding the County’s key and building access identification card policy. Next the Board will set the time and date for two public hearings. The first will be regarding a supplemental food program memorandum of understanding, and the second is for storm sewer easements under the Raccoon River Valley Trail west of Waukee. Following that, the Board will consider a proclamation declaring September as National Voter Registration Month.
The Board will also consider a system works mechanical start up and testing contract for the new Dallas County Law Enforcement Center. Finally, they will continue discussion and have possible action regarding a regional intergovernmental agreement with the West Des Moines Water Works, as well as the service coordinator position for area 1A of the Healthcare Coalition. The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in downtown Adel.