The Adel City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting will begin with a public hearing to discuss the authorization of a loan agreement and issuance of $12 million in sewer revenue capital loan notes. The money would be used for improvements to the waste water treatment facility. Later in the meeting, the Council will consider a resolution to approve the loan agreement and issuance. They will also consider an agreement with Ahlers and Cooney to serve as bond counsel for that and other public improvement projects.
Also under new business, the Council will consider approval of the review of City water projects, as well as the east annex sewer extension, through the United States Department of Agriculture for interim financing bids. Other items on the agenda include: approving and accepting easements related to the east annex sewer extension, as well as purchase of land; ordering construction of the 2018 Adel street resurfacing and fixing a date for bids; and discussion on upcoming water and sewer projects and design/construction contracts with McClure Engineering.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Council Chambers at Adel City Hall.