The Jefferson Street/Sewer and Sanitation/Water committees met Tuesday in regular session.
The committee will be recommending to the City Council the annual three-percent base rate increase to both water and sewer. The proposed rate increase for water is $0.32, and sewer is $0.52.
The water committee discussed repairing the swimming pool. The committee talked about receiving three options from ACCO to repair and repaint the pitted and rough spots of the floor of the pool. The options included: sandblasting, hand grinding or installing a PVC liner. The committee tabled their decision until they heard cost estimates from the City’s parks and recreation department. Water Superintendent Tom Schilling went on to discuss the monthly water usage report. He said there was 14.27-percent of unbilled water total from July 20th through August 20th. He noted that most of it was due to when the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) came through Jefferson in July.
The meeting ended with reviews of cost estimates for installing a permanent generator for the Grimmell Road lift station, a natural gas line, and purchasing a portable generator for the other lift stations. The committee tabled their decision until all estimates had been finalized.