relay4lifeRelay For Life of Guthrie County just wrapped up their 2018 fundraising campaign last month. They won’t take much of a break as they begin their 2019 fundraising campaign later this month. The organization will be coordinating with athletic departments at Panorama and Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center for Coaches Versus Cancer events.

The pink out events at Panorama will be Friday for the home football game against Clarinda and the home volleyball game on Tuesday, October 2nd against Van Meter. The football event at AC/GC will also be on Friday at home against Van Meter, while the home volleyball event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 25th against Madrid.

Guthrie County spokesperson Kim Durst talks about the community aspect of these events. “We’re looking forward to coming together and prowling and charging for a cure. Hopefully people will come out and support the fight against cancer for childhood cancer as well as breast cancer. Truly we’re fighting all cancers when we’re doing these Coaches Vs. Cancer events.”

Shirts can still be ordered for the Panorama volleyball game next month. Contact the school for more information. To hear more from Durst, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.