A group of Greene County residents have been meeting to restructure and organize next year’s Bell Tower Festival.
In an attempt to “re-set” the organizational structure of the festival, past festival chairs, as well as committee chairs, chamber executive directors and chamber board presidents have been meeting with the current Greene County Chamber and Tourism Board since August 22nd to ensure the annual event continues to be a success. An initial meeting was held with some of of the previously mentioned positions including Pete Russell, Shelly Berger, Don Van Gilder, Ann Ostendorf, Clay Ross, Peg Raney, Craig Hertel, Amy Milligan, Angie Gingery, Carole Cuter, Jean Feldmann and acting chair Doug Rieder. The group will work in collaboration with the current Chamber Board to plan for next year’s festival.
The 2019 Bell Tower Festival is slated for June 7th through the 9th.