StuartThe Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday.

The Council discussed a possible veterans memorial project in Lawbaugh City Park. The memorial would be placed on the southwest corner of the park and would consist of a 40-by-40-foot display with adjacent landscaping. The display would include a statue of a soldier kneeling beside boots, a gun, and a helmet. Behind the base and the statue would be a flag pole with an American and Prisoner of War (POW) flag. Surrounding the display would be five columns representing each military branch and accompanying flags.

The Stuart Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board will be solely responsible for funding the project which Deputy City Administrator Michael Morgan believes will be a highlight for the community. The City officially endorsed the presentation as presented. The Council also conducted two public hearings. The first one was a proposed development agreement with private contractor Jerry Vitzthum for renovations to the Morrison Building downtown, and the second was rezoning of plots from Agricultural to Residential Single-Family for Phase Two of the Wambold Housing Addition. Following the hearings, both were approved as presented.

Other action items approved included: the 2018 Adair and Guthrie Counties Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan; a residential fence permit, an annual contribution to Midwest Partnership for $1,648; the purchase of a trailer jetter for the Sewer Department for $63,585; approval of payment for the Karl Chevrolet expansion project; the 2018 Urban Renewal Report; and appointing Kim Avey to the City’s Utility Board.