Guthrie Center SignRecently the Guthrie Center Park Board wrapped up the first phase of renovations with the completion of resurfacing to the basketball and tennis courts. Surface Pros from Minnesota completed the project late last month and Park Board President Chris Bunde says they look great and the City is putting the finishing touches on that by implementing proper draining.

Bunde says the next phase of discussion centers around updating the bathhouse and restroom facilities. He explains where they are at now with that portion of the project. “MSA Professional Services, they’ve put together probably now four or five different versions of renovation options for us to look at and provide feedback on. So we’re still in the process of going back and forth with different specifications that we want to see, different layouts and that sort of thing.”

MSA Professionals and Park Board representatives will meet tonight with the City Council to discuss the next steps. Bunde says permanent and modern restrooms are the focal point for the bathhouse renovations. He points out that this portion of the project, while the next priority, might not be completed until the 2019-2020 fiscal year. He says if that’s the case other components such as a renovated dog park, and new walking trail.