The Greene County Recorder’s office has a few reminders for everyone.

County Recorder Marcia Tasler says anyone who has a registered snowmobile and/or off-road vehicle can renew their registration for $17.75 for 2019. Current registrations are only valid through December 31st. Those who do not renew by the end of the year will be assessed a $5 late fee.

She also reminds deer hunters that deer tags are now on sale. However, like last year, Greene County does not have any antlerless tags for sale. You can purchase antlerless tags anywhere in the state, and designate in which county to use it that allows it to be used. Fall turkey tags are available as well. Both deer and fall turkey tags are valid through their respective hunting seasons. Statewide early muzzleloader deer tags are also available.

Contact the Greene County Recorder’s office at 386-5670 for more information or stop by to purchase animal tags or renew snowmobile or off-road vehicle registrations.