The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is gearing up for another round of fall hunting seasons with four opening a week from today. Dove, teal, squirrel and rabbit seasons all begin on September 1st.
Dove season lasts until November 29th and shooting hours are one half hour before sunrise to sunset. The daily limit is 15 with a possession limit of 30. Teal season is the shortest as it will end on September 16th. Shooting hours are sunrise to sunset and the daily limit is six with a possession limit of 18. For both dove and teal, hunters must be restricted to hold no more than three shells.
For squirrel hunters, the season will be open until January 31st. The daily limit is six with a possession limit of 12. Rabbit season is the longest, extending through February 28th. The daily limit is 10 with a possession limit of 20. While wearing blaze orange clothing is encouraged for rabbit hunting, it’s not required.
Hunting licenses are required for all seasons. Contact the DNR with any questions.