hot-sun-thermometerTemperatures are expected to climb into the 90s this weekend and with school and fall sports activities starting back up, we might get distracted and forget about our young ones in the backseats of vehicles.

Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says it happens every year when a child is accidentally left inside a vehicle and died because the interior was too hot and the parent or guardian was gone too long.

“We get very busy and we’re very routine and sometimes we get so busy that we may forget a child in the back. But anything you can do to remind yourself, what is it that it’s going to take for you to check in the backseat before you head off. It’s a tragic thing and we hear about it probably almost every summer somewhere.”

She adds that newer vehicles now have an option for an alert system that reminds the driver to look in the backseat if they have an infant or a child there.