back to schoolTomorrow students across Guthrie County will be hitting the books again for another year and heading back to school. In addition to course schedules and activities, students and parents will once again have to consider personal health.

Pediatrician Dr. Cody Silker-Wilhite reminds parents that all students should return to normalcy when it comes to daily routines. That includes getting 8-12 hours of sleep depending on age, eating a balanced breakfast, and brushing teeth twice a day.

She also gives some recommendations when it comes to backpack safety. “Make sure the backpack’s not too heavy. Put in a thick shoulder strap. A good rule of thumb in that is about 10-20% of the child’s body weight, not making it more than that. Also making sure it’s positioned well, sitting at the bottom of the waist usually.”

She also reminds parents and students to make sure to stay current on all required immunizations and physicals. To hear more on school wellness, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.