Greene County Chamber and Tourism LogoBack to school shopping is something that most people have mixed emotions with, for some the excitement of starting a new school year, and for others having go out and find special deals on school supplies and new clothes for your kids.

Some people may have just put that kind of shopping off or maybe need some last minute items and with that the Greene County Chamber and Tourism reminds community members to shop locally. Chamber Board President Mike Holden reminds everyone to support local businesses and the local economy.

“Give our local people the chance to provide you with what you need and I think most of them understand that if they don’t have it, they understand that. But give them the first shot and see if they can fulfill your needs.”

He adds that most of the people working in the local businesses are those known outside of the working environment.

“We know most of them on a personal relationship, and the fact of the matter is if we don’t give the local businesses our business it becomes harder and harder for those businesses to stay here. And then you’re forced to have to go out of town. So let’s keep the good businesses that we have here thriving and make sure we do our part.”

For questions on where to find back to school supplies or other school related items, contact the Chamber office at 386-2155.