Greene Co Supervisors 8_20The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

The Board approved a Business Associate agreement with Iowa Counties Technology Services for the Central Iowa Community Services (CICS) mental health region, and the County Treasurer’s investment report of $3,580,893 for July and issuing 261 driver’s licenses last month. Additionally the Board approved a Municipal Advisor Services agreement with D.A. Davidson as presented. The company will be the municipal and/or financial advisor for the County any time they are going to sell bonds or work on projects that consider using bonds.

During open forum, County Veterans Affairs Commissioner and General Assistance Coordinator Tracie Perez submitted her letter of resignation, with her last day being this Friday.

Also during open forum, the Board addressed a couple concerns with the county’s health care insurance coverage with Sandy Scheuermann. She recommended the Board stipulate in their self-insured plan to allow for up to 15 paid visits per year to a chiropractor before the insurance only allows for “medically necessary treatments.” Scheuermann brought up the issue because several county employees were not having chiropractor visits be covered by the current insurance plan due it not being “medically necessary.” The Board took no action on the topic. The Board then had Scheuermann explain what the county’s health insurance plan includes and how to properly use it before considering looking at other options.

Finally, the Board agreed to allow a fundraiser with Jefferson Matters: Main Street and Greene County Chamber and Tourism on September 29th on the downtown square. It is called the “Amazing Race for Charity” and the proceeds will benefit the Bringing Optimism and Opportunity to Teachers and Students (BOOST) organization.