Football players weren’t the only athletes fans got their first glimpses of last night at Linduska Field at the annual Sports Drink scrimmage. The varsity and junior varsity cheer squad members under the direction of Coach Shannon Black were on hand performing as Greene County hosted North Polk (Alleman) in the football exhibition. There are 28 members of the squad, which is one of the larger numbers in recent years.

Captains are seniors Samantha Behne and Emma Schroeder. Behne told Raccoon Valley Radio what some of the duties of a captain are. “You really just need to step up to the plate in a kind way and take charge, making sure everything runs smoothly and we stay together as a whole.” Behne was asked what activities, other than cheering at games, the squad has coming up. “Next weekend everyone is going to an ISU cheer camp. We’re also getting some volunteer opportunities set up we’re going to partake in at a later date.”