The hearing originally scheduled for today regarding a change of venue request for the trials of Marc and Misty Ray has been postponed indefinitely.
Judge Terry Rickers informed the media this afternoon that one of the defense attorneys had to have emergency surgery Monday evening. The attorney will be fine, but the judge felt the individual would be unfit to go through with the hearing. A new hearing date has not yet been scheduled, but Rickers said he will let the public know as soon as there is a definitive date. The hearing was to review a request to move the Rays’ trials, as the defense attorneys believe all the media coverage of the case would make it impossible to find an impartial jury in Dallas County.
The pair is being tried on charges stemming from the May 12th, 2017 death of their adopted daughter, Sabrina Ray, in their home in Perry. Sabrina was found dead, having suffered from severe malnutrition. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.