Volunteers hard at work shucking corn for 2018 Adel Sweet Corn Festival
Volunteers hard at work shucking corn for 2018 Adel Sweet Corn Festival

The corn has all been shucked, and thousands of hungry visitors are prepared to descend on Adel. That’s right, today is the 39th annual Adel Sweet Corn Festival, and there are several activities throughout the day.

Of course, what most people show up for is the free sweet corn, which will be served starting at 11 a.m. until it’s gone. The Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce purchased around 15,000 ears of corn this year, but they warn it has a tendency to go fast so people should get there early. Other activities throughout the day include: the Sweet Corn Parade; a car show around the square; free games and rides for kids; food, craft, art, and information vendors; musical performances by Ctrl C and the Chautauqua Road Band; and a beer garden featuring a special brew called Summer of 39, made specially for the Festival by Firetrucker Brewery in Ankeny.

Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will also be at the Festival, broadcasting live, playing music, and providing public address services. For a full schedule of today’s events, go to RaccoonValleyRadio.com and click on this story. Make sure to listen Monday for a full recap of the 2018 Adel Sweet Corn Festival.