Greene County completed its high school athletes summer workout schedule recently, and official Fall sports practices begin on Monday, August 6. Mitch Moore is the activities director and head football coach of the Rams. He talked with Raccoon Valley Radio about the week of July 23, when RAGBRAI had an overnight stay in Jefferson. “Monday morning we had RAGBRAI-ers coming through, but our kids were working out at 6 a.m. and they went through a real strenuous workout. Then we did about 14 hours of volunteering between volleyball, football, soccer, basketball. Then, the next day we woke up and we rode. Then Wednesday, we didn’t take the day off. We came back at 6 a.m. and had a workout. Thursday, we finished another 6 a.m. workout with our kids. So, through all other things going on we could have made excuses and taken a day off, but we didn’t! We stuck to the plan, stuck to the process and the blueprint that we had laid out at the beginning of summer, and we completed the task of what our vision was for the summer.”