On Thursday, the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library in Guthrie Center wrapped up their summer reading program for K-5th graders with a party. About a dozen children were treated to an hour of Bingo, ice cream, snacks, and prizes.
At the beginning of the summer, the kids were divided into five teams, with points given out for each minute read. The Yellow team came in first place with a total of 3,261 minutes. The other five teams in order included: Blue (2,292), Purple (1,897), Red (1,670), and Pink (1,326).
Library Director Pat Sleister says no matter what the numbers came out to, there was always one goal in mind. “It got them reading this summer and that’s what we wanted. That’s what it’s all about. We said, ‘You just read. I don’t care what it is you read but you read.’ I think the teamwork was a really good thing for them to think about. Something they aren’t used to doing.”
The theme this year was centered around the Smithsonian Institute’s Hometown Teams traveling exhibit, which was housed at the library this summer. Sleister says she isn’t sure what they’ll do next year as far as a theme is concerned, but they will likely be aligned with what the State selects. The final day to catch the Hometown Teams exhibit at the library is Sunday, with viewing hours from 1-4pm. The library will also be closed on Monday to allow staff to disassemble the exhibit so it can be sent to the Greene County Historical Museum in Jefferson.