A grassroots fundraising company in Iowa is helping the Panorama Football team raise money for the program. First-year head football coach Michael Kauzlarich told Raccoon Valley Radio on July 23rd’s Guthrie County PM Sports Page that Panorama is working with Ace Fundraising to collect money for the future needs of the Panther football program. “There’s a lot of different options on the card, (and it) costs $20,” Kauzlarich said, “You’re going to get your money back really quick. It’s a great thing that the Ace (Fundraising) Company does, and they put on all the (Iowa Football) Coaches Association (fundraisers) in Des Moines and they do a great job of getting some really good sponsors.”
Kauzlarich estimates the card has $54 in one-time savings tabs and includes unlimited deals throughout the year at participating businesses. The deals range from percentages off food purchases at popular restaurants in the Des Moines to deals on goods and services from local businesses inside Panora. The Panorama Football team will be going door to door in the district communities with these Ace Fundraiser cards from now until August 10.