Greene County Supervisors 7_30The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, Supervisor Dawn Rudolph reported on how the vendors did in Scranton during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) last week. She said most of the items from all of the vendors sold out and that the Greene County Lamb Producers sold nearly 600-pounds of meat. It was also mentioned that 1,200 people visited the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower on Monday, July 23rd.

The Board then approved a correction of an assessment rate for recently completed work done in drainage district 171. Drainage Clerk Michelle Fields said the rate would increase from 22.7-percent to 452.2-percent. However the amount of money to be collected would be the same, but the original assessment rate was not enough to collect the amount needed for the work that was done.

Finally, the Board heard an update from County Engineer Wade Weiss. He said he is continuing to discuss road conditions with MidAmerican Energy staff. He said the additional roads that are being used to haul in the wind turbine parts are being addressed with temporary patching by the county secondary roads department. He pointed out that future discussions will be needed with the Board to determine how to pay for those temporary repairs. To date, Weiss said about 51-percent of the turbines have been erected, 70-percent of all of the turbine parts have been delivered and over 80-percent of the cables have been installed.