Dallas Supervisors 5-29

The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting will begin with discussion and possible action regarding a right-of-way purchase agreement. Following that, the Board will consider a maintenance agreement with Solutions Software for services and hardware. Next, they will discuss a real estate purchase agreement for the Sheriff’s Office. The Supervisors will then consider an amended 28E agreement with the City of Dallas Center for sewer services.

At 9:30 a.m., the Board will hold a public hearing regarding a services contract with Cintas for floor mat cleaning services. Additionally, they will set the time and date for a public hearing on proposed amendments to the floodplain ordinance. The meeting will conclude with discussion and possible action relating to the Healthcare Coalition Service Area 1A, which was discussed in last week’s Human Resources Department workshop.

The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Board of Supervisors meeting room in downtown Adel.