The cast of "The Trial of Goldilocks"; photos courtesy of Perry Community Theater
The cast of “The Trial of Goldilocks”; photo courtesy of Perry Community Theater

Don’t forget: today and tomorrow are your only chances to see the Perry Community Theater’s production of “The Trial of Goldilocks.”

The play will be performed at 7 and 8 p.m. each night in the downstairs courtroom of the Carnegie Library Museum. Potential attendees are encouraged to purchase their tickets ahead of time at the Carnegie, as space is limited and tickets for the early shows are already sold out. Tickets are $5 apiece, and the play has a run time of around 35 minutes. Director Marilee Bales says it’s the best $5 you’ll ever spend, and because of the short duration it won’t take up your entire night.

She gives audiences a preview of what they can expect with the show. “It’s a play that sounds like it’s just for kids, but it’s not. It’s a very smart play, adults will enjoy it as well. Goldilocks is on trial for breaking and entering into the three bears’ place, and just like with any trial we have a prosecutor and a defense attorney and they each present their own twist on the story of what really happened. And then it ends with the judge actually sentencing the guilty parties!”

To learn more about “The Trial of Goldilocks,” click the link below to listen to the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Bales.