The Adel City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting began with an update from Water Superintendent Jordon Altenhofen about the City’s current water watch. He said they’ve been seeing better results this year than they did last year under similar circumstances. There’s not yet a need to issue a water warning, but Altenhofen said he’ll continue to monitor the City’s water usage. In new business, the Council held discussion on sewer rate appeals as they relate to deduct water meters. Several citizens attended the meeting to chime in on the topic. In the end the Council took no action but will draft an update to the policy laid out in an ordinance to be considered at the next meeting.
Action items that were approved included: setting September 11th as the date for a public hearing to consider a public improvement project that may require the acquisition of agricultural land; a resolution to approve budget transfers for the City Attorney services retainer; and a temporary easement to allow construction of the east annexation sewer improvements. The meeting concluded with a report on the Street Committee’s meeting with the Iowa Department of Transportation about the Highway 169 improvement project. The subject will be discussed further at the committee’s next meeting on Tuesday, August 7th at 6 p.m.