The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
Sheriff Marty Arganbright reviewed the proposal for a needs assessment on the County Jail through Shive Hattery. No formal action was taken on the proposal pending further review by Guthrie County Attorney Mary Benton and Assistant Attorney Tim Benton. They also discussed the 28E agreement for police services with the City of Guthrie Center and security precautions at River Ruckus.
County Engineer Josh Sebern then updated the Board on secondary roads projects and purchases for department equipment and vehicles. The purchases are all within the previously approved budget for the current fiscal year. He also said the department was recently recommended for approval of $39,000 in grants for additional equipment. The Board also approved a contract for a bridge replacement project just northeast of Panora. The estimated start date is April 1, 2019 and should take 75 working days.
Finally, the Board approved Karen Birchfield to the Region XII Council of Governments Regional Housing Authority Board of Directors.