A U.S. Congressman is supporting President Trump’s latest cabinet shakeup. Congressman David Young agrees with Trump’s firing of former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Secretary Scott Pruitt.
Young feels the move was justified. “Well, I’m not losing any sleep over this. I think Pruitt’s departure, whether it came from a forced resignation, or however it happened, it was long overdue. Now I hope we can hit the restart button when it comes to the EPA and making sure that the renewable fuel standard is enforced and that law is respected and that our producers are at the table and heard when there’s any kind of discussion with the EPA regarding renewable fuels.”
Andrew Wheeler, who was appointed as the agency’s Deputy Administrator in October, has been named Acting Administrator in Pruitt’s absence. Young says he is leading a Congressional Delegation letter to Wheeler highlighting renewable fuel standards and inviting Wheeler to Iowa for a visit.
To hear more about this and other topics from Washington, listen to Young on today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.