It will be an action-packed Friday at the Greene County Fair.
The day will start with the Sheep Show, along with the Goat and Goat Kids Show at 8am in the showring, followed by the Beef Pen-of-Three also in the showring at 9. Then at 10 is the Herd Builder judging. Clover Hall will open at 10am and the commercial exhibits will open at 1pm.
Afternoon activities begin with Extravaganza at 3pm for youth ages three to ten-years-old in Clover Hall, followed by the Pet Show at 4 also in Clover Hall. Other activities taking place in Clover Hall include the Fashion Show at 5:30pm, the trivia contest at 6pm and the Queen Coronation Ceremony at 6:30. Greene County Extension Director Lori Mannel talks about the final aspect that will wrap up the evening in Clover Hall Friday night.
“At 7 o’clock will be the 4-H State Fair (picture) and then of course the fourth graders aren’t eligible to go to the State Fair but they are recognized as outstanding in their static exhibits and we hold that picture. So that’s really a highlight for all those kids that work hard on their static projects.”
The public is invited to the Beef Barbecue meal, east of the Bus Barn, starting at 5:30pm with a performance by the Town and Country Band. Then the grandstand entertainment for Friday night will be the Grand River Rodeo at 7pm with a $10 admission charge. Fireworks will follow the rodeo.
As a reminder, Raccoon Valley Radio’s Little Big Red Radio will be on hand broadcasting live from 10am to 6pm through Sunday of the fair. You can also check out the results from the static exhibits to livestock on our website at raccoonvalleyradio.com under the Greene County Fair tab on our homepage. You can also check out our Facebook page for pictures from the fair.