panoraThe Panora City Council met in regular session Monday.

The Council approved an ordinance amending electric utility rates. The Customer Service Charge and Residential Minimum Rate will increase from $20 to $25. The Farm and Commercial with Demand Minimum Rate will decrease from $30 to $25, and the usage rate for commercial demand customers with a supply size of over 300 Kilovolt Amperes (KVA) will decrease from $0.0752 to $0.0595 per Kilowatt Hour (KWH).

The Council also discussed a leaking water meter at 804 Clay Street. No action was taken on the matter, as the Council determined the City delivered the services adequately and City owned equipment was not responsible for the discrepancy in normal charges. The Council also approved an alcohol permit, pending the hiring of a reserve police officer, and a sound equipment permit for Panorama Days. Panora Police Chief Matt Reising concluded the meeting by updating the Council on the security camera project. He says the camera on top of City Hall will be replaced, and that one was recently placed at Hometown Foods.