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GCCF Award Recipients.

Earlier this year, the Guthrie County Community Foundation dispersed funds for the 2018 grant cycle. Recently they officially announced the recipients of those funds.

A total of $95,531.42 was awarded to 17 organizations in Guthrie County. The largest was $18,000 to Main Street Guthrie Center for a handicap accessibility project. The Guthrie Center Parks and Recreation Board received $15,000 for basketball and tennis court resurfacing at Mitchell Park.

Casey organizations received over $18,000, including: the City of Casey ($10,000) for community room furnishings, the Casey Service Club ($7,304) for a kitchen project, and the Casey-Walnut-Thompson Fire Department ($900) for grass truck accessories. The Panora Police Department received $6,000 for a security camera system and Panorama Community Schools was awarded $4,500 for virtual reality equipment.

The City of Menlo received a total of $8,100 for an LED display sign, and tablets and chairs for the Public Library. The Bagley Fire Department received $5,000 for extraction tools and Beautify Bagley was awarded $1,000 for light pole banners and a planter. Around $20,000 was given to six more organizations for various equipment and building upgrades.

Six organizations also received funds from Grow Greene County. The majority of those annual funds went to the Guthrie County Fair Foundation for playground equipment and handicap accessible parking and walkways, as well as the Guthrie County Historical Village for restoration of the Marchant House. To see the full project descriptions and amounts, see the list below:

Recipients of $95,531.42 from the Guthrie County Community Foundation were:

Adair and Guthrie Emergency Management, $1,600, for a fire hose tester

Bagley Fire Department, $5,000, extrication tools

Beautify Bagley, $1,000, light pole banners and planter

Boys and Girls Club of Central Southwest Iowa, $2,100, computer equipment

Casey Service Club, $7,304, kitchen project

City of Casey, $10,000, community room furnishings

City of Menlo, $7,100, LED display sign

City of Panora Police Department, $6,000, security camera system

Casey-Walnut-Thompson Fire Department, $900, grass truck accessories

Guthrie County SESS, $1,286, shooting equipment

Guthrie Center Parks and Rec, $15,000, resurfacing of basketball and tennis courts

Guthrie Activity Center, $8,731.42, interior upgrades

Kid Zone, $2,510, exterior upkeep project

Main Street Guthrie Center, $18,000, handicap accessibility project

Menlo Public Library, $1,000, tablets and chairs

Panorama Community Schools, $4,500, virtual reality equipment

Stuart Rescue, $3,500,for an emergency cot

Recipients of $41,803 from Grow Greene County were:

Family Resource Center, $250, for training on the Prevention of Child Abuse

Firefly Creek Ranch, $4,329, for boiler repairs

Guthrie County Fair Foundation, $20,000, for playground equipment and handicap accessible parking and walkways

Guthrie County Historical Village, $12,317, for restoration of the Marchant House

Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity, $3,500, for work on four Guthrie County homes

Little Panther Daycare and Preschool, $1,407, for keyless entry system