MJBThe Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library recently wrapped up their event portion of this year’s summer reading program. Director Pat Sleister tells Raccoon Valley Radio the kids have really enjoyed the events and this year’s program theme, “Hometown Teams,” in conjunction with the ongoing Smithsonian exhibit. The event presenters included the Blank Park Zoo, Hanson Family Jugglers, and Science Center of Iowa.

Sleister also talks about the team-building day they had at the beginning of the summer. “We had one day where, the kids are divided up into teams this year, and they came and we just had a good time doing all kinds of team activities and ending up with ice cream and goodies like that. So the kids will continue to read from now until the end of July and we’ll see which team wins a special prize. That’s what’s up the rest of the summer.”

There is also a prize basket up for grabs for the adults. They just have to read a book, write the title on a slip of paper at the front desk, and they will be eligible for the drawing in August.