The Fourth of July is less than a week away, which means it’s almost time for the next concert hosted by the Perry Fine Arts Group.
Fine Arts Committee Member Cathy Clark says they will once again host their July 4th Homemade Ice Cream and Music Extravaganza event. Clark says this year’s performers will be a local band playing music from the bayou. “This year we are going to have a New Orleans-style brass band from Des Moines, called Grand Avenue Ruckus. And so come listen to the band in air conditioning, it will be at the Methodist Church. It’s handicapped accessible, a great place to come and relax during your 4th of July activities. And then afterwards, we have homemade ice cream and goodies!”
Grand Avenue Ruckus is a nine-member ensemble, one of whom is Perry High School Band Director Brad Sparks, who plays trombone and is the band manager. The show will begin at 2 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in downtown Perry. Clark reminds potential attendees that there is no cost to attend this or any concert hosted by the Perry Fine Arts Group. However, free will donations are always accepted, with any proceeds going towards future events.