McCreary Rec Center

It’s been mentioned many times before that Perry’s McCreary Community Building needs a lot of work to bring it up to snuff. Parks and Recreation Director John Anderson says much of that work is happening right now, particularly in regards to building maintenance.

“It is definitely construction season for us. We have the second part of the roof will be taken care of here in the next couple months. Also I had a dozen large maintenance issues within our HVAC system, and I had to quote multiple projects out. And one company, luckily enough, came in under everybody else, which is the Drees Corporation out of Carroll. So they’re in there throughout the weeks fixing all that stuff, and they’re pretty huge projects so we’re thankful that we got good bids on that.”

Anderson adds, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system improvements that are being taken care of include: electrical work in the pool; a coil unit above the gym; and an assortment of motors and other equipment that needed replaced. He doesn’t anticipate any of the maintenance work to affect the day-to-day operations, but promises to notify the public if that changes at any time.

To hear more from Anderson, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at