Funds are now available for a second phase of projects in the downtown area of Jefferson.
City Administrator Mike Palmer says the City and Jefferson Matters: Main Street held a meeting with interested building owners who wanted to make improvements to their storefronts around the downtown square. Following the success of the recent $1 million Community Development Block Grant that involved 13 buildings, Palmer notes that several other building owners showed interested in wanting to do something with their buildings. He points out that building owners can go through the City for funding to do their projects, on a 50/50 match, of up to $300,000.
“There’s no time limit on when to apply for it. What we’re asking for is it will be like a grant. They will have to meet some of our design guidelines and it doesn’t have to meet historic guidelines. Our Building Inspector Nick (Sorensen) will oversee the work. He’ll make sure that it’s being done according to what the grant approval was. Then people will get reimbursed once they’ve paid for the project.”
JMMS Program Director Peg Raney talks about a resource that they can provide for building owners around the square.
“With Main Street Iowa, we have design assistance available through the design consultants, free of charge. It really gives a good visual of what could happen with their experience from other communities. So we can offer that.”
Palmer adds that funding is available now. Contact City Hall at 386-3111 to find out more information.