GCC-Spring/SummerThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

Sheriff Marty Arganbright addressed the Board once again on the ongoing jail project. Arganbright expressed his desire to go with Shive-Hattery for the firm to conduct the needs assessment. The Board is also leaning towards going with the architectural firm, which would cost the county about $14,000. The Board took no formal action on the decision, pending contract review.

Jackson Township Trustees Trudi Tam and Duane Lyons also requested an increase in meeting stipends and an hourly wage for all work completed inside the township. They feel that increased work with the township cemetery in particular warrants the increase. They requested doubling the meeting stipend from $20 to $40 and instituting a wage of $20/hour. No formal action was taken on the request, but the Board is open to some increases in compensation.

Other action items approved include: a bid of $13,225 from Jorgensen Brothers Construction in Guthrie Center for concrete repairs at the County Transfer Station, two fireworks permits for private residents, and an audit report for fiscal year 2016-2017.