GCC-Spring/SummerThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today.

County Sheriff Marty Arganbright will once again address the Board on the ongoing jail project. The Board and Sheriff’s Office have now heard presentations from Shive Hattery and Design Alliance in regards to needs assessments and designs for a new or renovated jail. It is unclear whether the Board will come to an agreement today as to which firm, if any, they will use moving forward.

Other action items include: Jackson Township Trustee wages, a non-conforming use of a parce in Herndon, awarding the concrete contract for the Guthrie County Transfer Station, a reappointment to the Veterans Commission Board, several fireworks permit applications, and the audit report for fiscal year 2016-2017. They will also hear a monthly information technology update from David Garland of Guthrie Center Communications.

The meeting begins at 9am in the Supervisors’ Room in the Guthrie County Courthouse in Guthrie Center.